Maria del Mar Fernandez de la Calle
AtlasPROfilax® / Healing
• Atlasprofilax ®
Adults £245
Under 16s £145
Includes 2 full sessions.
• Eternal Light Healing & Chakra balancing:
60 minutes Eternal Light healing £70
90 minutes Eternal Light healing £105
6 X 60 minutes session £390 (save £30)
12 x 60 minutes session £700 (get 2 sessions free)
Discounted healing sessions every Thursday from 10.00- 16.00.
£55 per hour.
• Transformation Sessions (Inner Child work)
Our Transformation offering is an interactive journey through the experiences stored in our bodies, where we connect with the wounded self with compassion, and uncover the reason behind our behavior.
It can happen that there is a younger part of us that felt vulnerable and got hurt at some point in our lives. Now, they are trying to protect us by blocking us from ever going through similar experiences again.
As we see them and acknowledge them, we can connect with their emotions, heal them, and bring down the walls that they built for protection, thus experiencing life more freely.
This is a process designed to assist you in letting go all that no longer serves you.
Sessions can be held in person or by video call.
• Bach Flowers and Inner Child essences
• Scenar therapy
Gaia the earth element of the eternal Light healing® system
I offer GAIA I and GAIA ADVANCED workshops several times a year in London
Contact me for details.
By appointment
Thursday morning – Eternal Light® healing low-cost clinic
Maria del Mar is an experienced healer with a strong background in body alignment and vibrational medicine.
She works with adults that experienced abuse as children, both male and female, children with special needs and people from all walks of life that need to find a space within themselves to heal.
Every session is strictly confidential.
‘I believe that dis-ease – this being a headache, back pain, an anxiety crisis, depression, fertility issues or long standing conditions- is the result of an energy imbalance. I use different tools and work on those blockages from different angles in order to dissolve them. I understand and honour the unique circumstances and story of each individual that comes to me. There is no judgement. I am here to support you with an open heart.
#atlasprofilax #healing #healer #atlas #chakras
Maria del Mar Fernandez de la Calle
Location: London
Mobile: 07950 383 992